Beating the Cost, Time, and Quality Equation With OWASP ZAP Automation

The project management triangle has been around since at least the 1950s and represents the idea that quality is the result of three elements:

  • Budget (cost): What resources do you have to build the product?
  • Deadlines (time): When does the product need to go to market?
  • Scope: What are all the required features?

It’s a way of showing that changes in any fundamental element will directly impact the resulting quality for better or worse. The triangle shows the trade-offs that can result in the same quality with different elements… like more money, more time, or fewer features.

The relationship between the contributing factors of the triangle explains why tools like Jira, Crucible, Jenkins, Ansible, and other various forms of automation are so valuable. Each one of these tools provides a modifier to the elements of the triangle that then alter the quality equation for more time, lower costs, or faster completion, and result in higher quality.

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