Median ‘dwell’ time for cyber intrusion highest in APAC at 172 days: FireEye

The time between an attacker compromising a secured network and the breach being detected is the highest in the APAC region, with the median ‘dwell’ time 73 days above the global median of 99 days.

Organisations in the Asia Pacific region are lagging behind their global counterparts when it comes to cybersecurity, with a report from FireEye revealing the median dwell time before an intrusion is detected in the region is 172 days.

According to Cyber Evolution: En Route to Strengthening Resilience in Asia-Pacific, the median number of days between network intrusion and the detection of the threat actor on a global scale is 99 days.

By comparison, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa have a median dwell time of 106 days, while the Americas boast the same median as the global figure.

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