Off-The-Shelf Hacker: Quirks of the Linux Serial Line

Something we haven’t discussed much is the data being generated by my latest project, Hedley the robotic skull. That’s right, deep down, Hedley is an “Internet of Things” device. He has sensors and those sensors produce data that can then be used for analysis, activity logging and as input to applications or other devices.

For example, I’d like to build some portable, networked spotlights that can travel with Hedley, when I take him to my next tech talk. He’ll sit on a little table at the front of the room, tracking me as I move around on stage. Wouldn’t it be cool to have a couple of spotlights that follow me, as well? Or, maybe a robotic video camera, to record my session. Data from Hedley could direct both of those gadgets to the right spots, during my presentation. Hey, I’m a one-man show and leverage the latest tech to get the job done.

Read full news article on The New Stack