Now Trending: Your 2018 Network Security Snapshot

Security spending is on the rise even as IT allotments fall, creating a conundrum for IT professionals who must deliver top-tier protection in a technology market where cybercriminal innovation and consumer expectations are accelerating.

With 2018 just around the corner, it’s worth knowing what’s on the horizon for network security and where IT focus has the most impact. Below is a snapshot of next year’s top network trends.

Evolving AI

Currently enjoying both big hype and serious investment, foundational artificial intelligence (AI) represents the potential for both security benefits and network threats. The notion of man-with-machine AI suggests the ability to offload tedious, data-driven tasks to highly focused machine learning algorithms, which then report to human experts. More advanced applications include intelligent network defense: Imagine an AI system capable of making sound judgments about incoming traffic and resource use, and then reacting appropriately.

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