May the forces be with you: using IPaaS for IAM and GDPR

Getting your head around GDPR with some new tools of the trade.

The General Data Protection Directive GDPR which comes into force on May 25, 2018, may well be the most written about directive ever. There is a reason for this. It is complicated, involves data, and it cuts across country boundaries like Attila the Hun could never achieve.

I recently did a webinar on GDPR, hoping to help demystify some of its ideology, especially around data. A number of questions came in on the matter, and it was clear that the requirements of the GDPR are not only nuanced but unclear. One area that seemed to carry across as a theme was cloud data storage and all that entails, especially around data portability. This seems a sensible place to focus GDPR attentions on, as it is, after all, about the processing of personal data.

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