EU commissioner slams Apple Intelligence delay

If you believe European Commission Vice President Margrethe Vestager, Apple’s decision to delay introduction of its Apple Intelligence AI is a “stunning declaration” of its own anticompetitive behavior.  Having spent the morning listening to Vestager’s comments at a Forum Europa event, I’m full of a combined sense of horror and dismay. Because while touting the need to make Europe more competitive, the regulatory chief seems also to be putting barriers in place that will have the opposite effect.  (You can watch Vastager’s speech and Q&A here.) Slowing down the renewable transition Take climate change, for example. China is unique in that once it recognized the growing threat of environmental destruction, it launched a root and branch attempt to migrate to renewable fuels and attack pollution levels.  That journey is far from over, but one result has been the creation of a strong solar panel manufacturing industry at global scale.

Source: ComputerWorld


