Google Adds V8 Sandbox To Chrome To Fight Against Browser Attacks

A Sandbox is a protective medium that blocks the entire system from any application accessing vulnerable resources.  Restrictive environments for web content in browsers called sandboxes reduce the impact that can be caused by browser-based attacks such as malicious programs or infected scripts.  This helps limit, to some extent, the damage attackers can do to the user’s device or data. After years of development, the V8 Sandbox—a lightweight, in-process sandbox for the V8 JavaScript engine—has advanced enough to be included in Chrome’s Vulnerability Reward Program, marking an important step towards becoming a strong security boundary.  Google Adds V8 Sandbox After years in development, the V8 Sandbox – a lightweight, in-process sandbox for V8 JavaScript engine – has advanced enough to be included in Chrome’s Vulnerability Reward Program, marking an important step towards becoming a strong security boundary.  Though issues remain before full enforcement, Chrome 123 represents a “beta” release showcasing how the sandbox prevents V8 memory corruptions from spreading within the host process.

Source: GBHackers


