CODESYS, a widely-used integrated environment for controller programming, holds a strong presence in Operational Technology across diverse industries, such as:- Factory automation Energy Mobile Building Embedded Process Backed by more than 500 manufacturers (including Schnieder Electric, Beckhoff, Wago, Eaton, ABB, Festo, etc.) and spanning various architectures that we have mentioned below, CODESYS powers millions of global devices:- MIPS Renesas ARM PowerPC TriCore Cybersecurity Researcher at Microsoft, Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev, recently identified several high-severity vulnerabilities and 16 zero-day vulnerabilities in CODESYS (CODESYS V3 SDK). Besides this, Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev dubbed the 16 zero-day vulnerabilities that he found in CODESYS as “CoDe16,” a code name for this complete set of CODESYS zero-day vulnerabilities.
Source: GBHackers