SecurityScorecard Research Reveals Cyber Vulnerabilities Pose a Threat to U.S. Maritime Security

While the shipping industry’s cyber posture was better than companies in the Forbes Global 2000, the industry performed lower in key risk group factors Overall, the cybersecurity risk posture of the shipping industry was better than the Forbes Global 2000, but the shipping industry did not perform higher in every risk group factor The largest risks to the sector include vulnerabilities in application security, irregular patching cadence, and network security Data breach percentages for shipping container companies increased from 2018 through 2021, indicating that the industry may be an increasingly attractive target for malicious cyber actors during the 2021 winter holiday season Shipping container companies initially did better than the Forbes Global 2000 until April 2020, when high-profile attacks sank the industry average. Since mid-2020, shipping container companies have continued to struggle to build resilience in their cybersecurity and have not yet returned to their pre-2020 breach scores.

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