Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS Released, Fixes Major APT Security Issue

Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS is now available to download.

No, I haven’t made a typo (for once): this is an unscheduled point release in the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS series.

New ISOs have been spun up to fix a major vulnerability in the APT package manager (a handful of other security updates are also included for good measure).

Ubuntu’s Łukasz Zemczak explains more in the formal release announcement, writing:

“Unlike previous point releases, 16.04.6 is a security-targeted release
for the purpose of providing updated installation media which protects
new installations from the recently discovered APT vulnerability

The security flaw in question potentially gives a remote attacker performing a man-in-the-middle attack the ability to trick APT into installing altered packages.

Affected packages might not be what they say they are or behave in a way that’s expected.

These updated ISOs protect new installs from the get-go.

Read full news article on OMG! Ubuntu!


