UK Facebook internal docs reveal Zuckerberg plans for exploiting user data

UK ‘fake news’ committee reveals Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s plans for monetizing user data with developers.    A UK parliamentary committee tasked with investigating fake news has published more than 200 pages of Facebook’s internal documents from 2012 to 2015 detailing its business strategies around developer access to user data.  The documents include details about a Facebook whitelist for providing some companies with exclusive access to user data, “data reciprocity” between Facebook and app developers, and how Facebook used its data to target competitors.  The documents include emails between Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and other Facebook execs explaining plans how the company may monetize user data prior to its Cambridge Analytica scandal that surfaced in March.  Some emails fill in gaps about Facebook secretly collecting SMS and call data from Android devices, which was discovered after users began downloading their data from Facebook in reaction to news it had shared data about 87 million users with political consultancy Cambridge Analytica.  One exhibit includes email exchanges between Facebook managers and execs from February 2015 about Facebook’s “growth team” planning a update that would require Android users approve new permissions for the Facebook app.  Users would see a request to ‘read call log’, followed by an in-app dialogue to opt-in to approve that the app continuously upload SMS and call log history to Facebook.  The update aimed to improve Facebook’s “people you may know” (PYMK) suggestions, according to the emails.

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